AUSIAC Survey - Personal Information

<##The following line sset all null varialbles to . for SAS interpretation##> Add &[LastName] to directory. Comments: &[COMMENTS] &[FirstName] &[LastName],

The information you just provided has been submitted to the site manager. Please allow a suitable period of time (i.e. 1-2 weeks) before expecting to see this information on the Web. This time period will vary depending upon the time constraints of the site manager.

AUSIAC reserves the right to edit submitted information in regard to relevance and accuracy.

If you would like to have your name and other information included as part of the AUSIAC directory, please complete the following form.

Once you submit this form (submission is accomplished by pressing the submit button at the bottom of the form), the information will be placed in the AUSIAC WWW directory and available to the general public. Please allow a suitable period of time (i.e. 1-2 weeks) before expecting to see this information on the Web. This time period will vary depending upon the time constraints of the site manager.

AUSIAC reserves the right to edit submitted information in regard to relevance and accuracy.

Is the information you are supplying: NEW information or UPDATED information?

First Name...
Last Name....

We are interested in the software you currently use. Please complete the following:

GIS software (Select all that apply)

AGIS, DOS, raster/vector
Arc/Info, Unix, vector
Arc/Info, DOS, vector
Arc/Info, Windows, vector
Arc/View, Unix
Arc/View, Windows
Atlas GIS, DOS, vector
Atlas GIS, Windows, vector
Grass, Unix, raster
Mapix, Windows, raster/vector


Remote sensing, image processing software (Select all that apply)

Erdas Imagine, Unix
Mapix-RS, Windows
NIH Image Tools, MAC


GPS software (Select all that apply)

Trimble Pathfinder Office, Windows


Statistical software (Select all that apply)

SAS, Unix
SAS, Windows


Please provide the title, number, and semester for the courses you teach in the space below:

Please provide a statement of your research interests in the space below:

Please provide any general information or comments that you want to appear as part of your directory information in the space below:

If you like to have a hyperlink to another WWW document as part of your directory information (i.e. a link to a WWW maintained by your department), please provide the full path to the URL in the space below:

Please provide a description for the above hyperlink (if you entered one above) for example: "Personal Information on Forestry Web Site"

Do you want a MAILTO link to your e-mail address as part of your directory information?


If you have any comments that you would like to send regarding this form, please put them in the space below:

You may this form, or the fields in it.

Mail comments, questions and requests to:

Mark MacKenzie, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences

Updated Friday, October 20, 2000