Science Matters Summer Academy

COSAM Outreach

science_matters_logo-new_copy.gif  2025 Summer Camp Information  
Registration Fee: $15/camper (non-refundable)
Tuition: $250/week/camper ($300 for Curious Curators Camp)
Payment Types: Visa/MC Only
  Registration type is determined by the rising grade for the 2025-2026 school year.

Registration will occur sometime in February (please check back for registration date)

Dates Generic Camp Theme Rising Grade
June 2 - 6 Curious Curators**  5/6/7
June 9-13 Geology/Dinosaurs 1/2/3/4/5/6
June 9 - 13 Curious Curators** 4/5
June 16 - 20* Space 1/2
June 23 - 27 Themeparks 1/2/3/4
July 7 - 11 TBD 1/2/3/4
July 7 - 11 Math/Puzzles 5/6
July 15 - 19 Under the Sea 1/2/3/4/5/6

 *Camp will take place on the Juneteenth holiday.
**5th graders are only permitted to sign up for one Curious Curators week.


Please direct all Science Matters event-related questions to Kristen Jackson, .