Department of Physics
Howard Earl and Carolyn Taylor Carr Professor
Research Areas: Experimental Atomic and Molecular Physics
Office: Leach Science Center 2118
380 Duncan Drive
Auburn, AL 36849
Phone: (334) 844-4280
Email: fogle@auburn.edu
Experimental Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics pertaining to various electron-driven processes important in both terrestrial and astrophysical plasma environements, e.g., electron-impact ionization, recombination and excitation, ion-atom charge exchange and molecular dissociation dynamics.
Director of the Auburn University Small Satellite Program (AUSSP). Current CubeSats under development for NSF-funded project to measure terrestrial gamma-ray flash beams and Air Force University Nanosatellite Program to demonstrate quantum key distribution.
Undergraduate majors laboraotry courses, introductory physics courses, Modern Physics, Survey of Atomic Physics, special topics cources on the physics of CubeSats.
Last updated: 02/12/2024