Faculty Travel

COSAM Faculty Travel Fund

Funding has been made available by the College of Sciences and Mathematics to support travel related to research and teaching for the upcoming fiscal year. All tenure Professors, tenure-track Professors, Research Professors, and Lecturers from COSAM are eligible to apply. 

Official application deadlines for the current fiscal year are listed below and are contained in the Call for Applications, a memorandum sent to all COSAM faculty members approximately one month before each deadline. 


For Travel During

September 30

October 1 to April 30

March 31

May 1 to October 31

Applications are reviewed by the COSAM Faculty Travel Awards Committee, which consists of a chair and two additional COSAM faculty members. The committee will review applications shortly after the deadline and announce decisions promptly. Current committee members and contact information are listed below.



Year as Chair


Peng Zeng (Mathematics) 




Luke Marzen (Geosciences)




Ashley Peart (Biological Sciences)

Term 2024




  1. Funds will be utilized in support of research and teaching activities associated with presentations at national and international technical meetings, conferences, and symposia.
  2. Funds can be used to travel and participate in an in-person conference or meeting, or to participate in a virtual conference/meeting.  
  3. Funds are limited to COSAM faculty members holding full-time tenured or tenure-track appointments, and to research professors and lecturers who are employed on campus during the semester that travel takes place.
  4. The pertinent in-person or virtual event must take place during the time specified in the application.
  5. The amount of each award can be up to $1000 for in-person meetings and up to $500 for virtual meetings, depending on need and documented efforts to obtain funds from the applicant's department or other source (e.g., research grants). A faculty member can receive at most one COSAM travel award in any two consecutive review periods.


  1. Positive factors relate to active teaching and research programs of the applicant, the quality of the meeting, the importance of the meeting to the faculty member, and the applicant’s funding situation.
  2. Some preference is given to an applicant who has attempted to obtain funds from other sources.
  3. Preference is given to applicants who have not recently received a COSAM Travel Award.
  4. Preference may be given to junior faculty in early stages of their careers.
  5. Funds will be distributed with consideration given to each department represented in the pool of applicants.


Applications may be submitted through the link below. Have the following documents prepared in a single PDF file that will be uploaded in the SmartSheet form:

  • Copy of invitation (if pertinent)
  • A brief (1-2 page) current vita listing your 5 most recent publications and your grant/contract submissions during the last 5 years.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Apply for Faculty Travel Funds