Richard A. Zalik
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Research Areas: Applied Mathematics
Office: 300 Parker Hall
221 Parker Hall
Auburn, AL 36849-5310
Phone: (334) 844-6557
Fax: (334) 844-6555
Email: zalik@auburn.edu
Ph.D., Technion--Israel Institute of Technology
Licenciate in Mathematics, University of Buenos Aires
Clarkson University, Institute for Retraining in Computer Science
1984 - 1985
Professional Employment
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Auburn University
1985 - present
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Auburn University
1980 - 1985
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Auburn University
1978 - 1980
Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Rhode Island
1977 - 1978
Lecturer, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
1970 - 1978
Honors and Awards
NASA/ASEE Faculty Fellowship
June - August 1987, May - July 1988
NASA certificate of recognition
Professional Activities
Member: American Mathematical Society, European Mathematical Society
Editorial Board: Journal of Applied Functional Analysis, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science
Referee: Journal of Approximation Theory, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Journal of Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Journal of Linear Algebra and its Applications, The Third World Academy of Sciences (Trieste), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), National Science Foundation of Israel
Research and Teaching Interests
Analysis, Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis: Approximation Theory; Applied Harmonic Analysis
Selected Publications
- On Approximation by shifts and a theorem of Wiener, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 243 (1978), 299 - 308.
- The Müntz - Szász theorem and the closure of translates, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 82 (1981), 361 - 369.
- Remarks on a paper of Gel'fand and Šilov on Fourier Transforms, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 102 (1984), 102 - 112.
- The Jeffcott equations in nonlinear rotordynamics, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 47 (1989), 585 - 599.
- Riesz Bases and Multiresolution Analyses, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 7 (1999), 315 - 331.
Last updated: 09/21/2022