COSAM » COSAM Faculty » Physics (ARCHIVED) » fogle

Associate Professor
Research Areas: Experimental Atomic and Molecular Physics
Office: Leach Science Center 2118
380 Duncan Drive
Auburn, AL 36849
Phone: (334) 844-4280
Experimental Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics pertaining to various electron-driven processes important in both terrestrial and astrophysical plasma environements, e.g., electron-impact ionization, recombination and excitation, ion-atom charge exchange and molecular dissociation dynamics
Director of the Auburn University Small Satellite Program (AUSSP). Current CubeSats under development for NSF-funded project to measure terrestrial gamma-ray flash beams and Air Force University Nanosatellite Program to demonstrate quantum key distribution.
Undergraduate majors laboraotry courses, introductory physics courses, special topics cources on the physics of CubeSats
- Unexpected bond breaking and formation in the dissociative recombination of Li+ • H2, R.D. Thomas, A. Ehlerding,W. Geppert, F. Hellberg, V. Zhaunerchyk, M. Larsson, E. Bahati, M.E. Bannister, M.R. Fogle, C.R. Vane Physical Review A - Rapid Communications (accepted 2014) Contribution: participated in experiments at the CRYRING storage ring in Stockholm. This work was connected to my collaborative work at ORNL on dihydride systems.
- X-ray emission measurments following charge exchange between C6+ and H2, M. Fogle, D. Wulf, K. Morgan, D. McCammon, I.N. Draganic, C.C. Havener Physical Review A 89, 042705 (2014) Contribution: participated in experimental setup, data acquisition and analysis in collaboration with ORNL.
- X-ray emission measurements following charge exchange between C6+ and He, X. Defray, K. Morgan, D. McCammon, D. Wulf, V. Andrianarijaona, M. Fogle, D. Seely, I.N. Draganic, C.C. Havener Physical Review A 88, 052702 (2013) Contribution: participated in experimental setup, data acquisition and analysis at ORNL.
- *Dissociative electron attachment to carbon dioxide via the 2⇧u shape resonance A. Moradmand, D.S. Slaughter, D.J. Haxton, A.L. Landers, C.W. McCurdy, T.N. Rescigno, A. Belkacem, M. Fogle Physical Review A 88, 032703 (2013) Contribution: one of the principal investigators overseeing this project. Worked with experimental and theoretical collaborators at LBNL to acquire and analyze results.
- *Dissociative electron attachment to CO2 at the 8.2 eV Feshbach resonance A. Moradmand, D. Slaughter, A.L. Landers, M. Fogle Physical Review A 88, 022711 (2013) Contribution: principal investigator overseeing project. Directed students in data acquisitionand analysis. This work was done in collaboration with the experiment at LBNL.
Last updated: 11/27/2023