COSAM » COSAM Faculty » Physics (ARCHIVED) » Laurent

Associate Professor
Research Areas: Experimental Atomic, Molecular and Optics Physics
Office: Leach Science Center 3109
380 Duncan Drive
Auburn, AL 36849
Phone: (334) 844-8712
Our research is devoted to the development of attosecond pulses of light, and their use to the study of electron dynamics in atoms and molecules.
Courses Taught:
Undergraduate: Engineering Physics I PHYS 1600
Graduate: Introduction to Physics Research PHYS 7900
- P. D. Keathley, S. Bhardwaj, J. Moses, G. Laurent, and F. X. Kaertner, Volkov transform generalized projection algorithm for attosecond pulse characterization, New Journal of Physics, 18, 073009 (2016)
- G. J. Stein, P. D. Keathley, P. Krogen, H. Liang, J. P. Siqueira, C.-L. Chang, C.-J. Lai, K.-H. Hong, G. M. Laurent and F. X. Kaertner, Water-window soft X-ray highharmonic generation up to the nitrogen K-edge driven by a kHz, 2.1 μm OPCPA source, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 49, 155601 (2016)
- S. Carbajo, E. A. Nanni, L. J. Wong, G. Moriena, P. D. Keathley, G. Laurent, R. J. D. Miller, and F. X. Kaertner, Direct longitudinal laser acceleration of electrons in free-space, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 19, 021303 (2016)
- C.-J. Lai, K.-H. Hong, J.P. Siqueira, P. Krogen, C.-L. Chang, G. J. Stein, H. Liang, P. D. Keathley, G. Laurent, J. Moses, L. E. Zapata, and F. X. Kaertner, Multi-mJ mid-infrared kHz OPCPA and Ybdoped pump lasers for tabletop coherent soft X-ray generation, Journal of Optics, 17, 094009 (2015)
- C.-L. Chang, P. Krogen, K.-H. Hong, L. E. Zapata, J. Moses, A.-L. Calendron, H. Liang, C.-J. Lai, G. J. Stein, P. D. Keathley, G. Laurent, and Franz X. Kaertner, High-energy, kHz, picosecond hybrid Yb-doped chirped-pulse amplifier, Optics Express, 23, 10132 (2015)
- W. Cao, G. Laurent, I. Ben-Itzhak, and C. L. Cocke, Identification of a previously unobserved dissociative ionization pathway in time-resolved photo-spectroscopy of the deuterium molecule, Physical Review Letters, 114, 113001 (2015)
- G. M. E. Swanwick, P. D. Keathley, A. Fallahi, P. R. Krogen, G. Laurent, J. Moses, F. X. Kaertner, and L. F. Velásquez-Garca, Nanostructured Ultrafast Silicon-Tip Optical Field-Emitter Arrays, Nano Letters, 14, 5035 (2014)
- G. Laurent, W.Cao, I. Ben-Itzhak, and C. L. Cocke, Attosecond pulse characterization, Optics Express, 21, 16914-16927 (2013)
- G. Laurent, W. Cao, H. Li, Z. Wang, I. Ben-Itzhak, and C. L. Cocke, Attosecond control of orbital parity mix interferences and the relative phase of even and odd harmonics in an attosecond pulse train, Physical Review Letters, 109, 083001 (2012)
- W. Cao, G. Laurent, C. Jin, H. Li, Z. Wang, C. D. Lin, I. Ben-Itzhak and C. L. Cocke, Spectral Splitting and quantum path study of high harmonic generation from a semi-infinite gas cell, Journal of Physics B, 45, 074013 (2012)
Last updated: 11/27/2023