Alabama Science and Engineering Fair (ASEF)

STEM Outreach


Student, Parent and Teacher Information

Only students selected as winners from one of the four approved regional science fairs are eligible to compete in the in-person, state competition at Auburn University.  These students will be required to fill out additional ASEF-specific forms in STEM Wizard.

All Regional Fairs are required to advance their winners to ASEF using the STEM Wizard System immediately after their fair. Project paperwork will be reviewed and approved by the SRC Team and ASEF Director, Dr. Jess Gilpin, Projects that do not receive approval prior to ASEF may not be eligible to compete or receive category and/or special awards.
ASEF will be hosted by the College of Sciences and Mathematics at Auburn University at the Academic Classroom and Laboratory Complex in April 2025. The fee for ASEF 2025 will be $35 per participant.

ASEF Checklist and Procedures

Students, parents and teachers are encouraged to review all documents below to ensure they are aware of the deadlines, policies and procedures used during the competition. Failure to meet deadlines or criteria may result in the inability to participate or qualify for specific awards. 

New this year!  Fillable ISEF forms are available from the Society from Science:

ISEF 2024-2025 International Rules

ASEF 2024-2025 Project Category Descriptions


After ASEF, high school students that were selected for ISEF will need to fill out additional paperwork.

Additionally, the top 10% of Junior Division winners from grades 6-8 advance to compete in the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge.


Fall Training Materials

To get access to our Fall Training Resource Folder, please email Dr Karen Dane,