Philip Chaney
Department of Geosciences
Associate Professor Emeritus
Department of Geosciences
Associate Professor Emeritus
Research Areas: Water Resources, Coastal Geography and Hazards
Email: pchaney@auburn.edu
Ph.D., Geography, Louisiana State University
M.A., Geography, University of Arkansas
B.S., Agriculture, University of Arkansas
Professional Employment
Associate Professor, Auburn University
2005 ---
Assistant Professor, Auburn University
Visiting Assistant Professor, Auburn University
Professional Activities
Professional Surveyor, State of Arkansas #1169 (1989)
Research and Teaching Interests
Sustainable use of water resources, policy, and law. Human-Environment Interaction is central to my research and teaching activities.
Primary Course: Geography of Water Resources (*Elective option in Sustainability Minor and Watershed Sciences Minor)
Selected Publications
- Chaney, P.L., J. Roland, M. Moore, and C.G. Burton. 2020. Water use monitoring for irrigation in the U.S.: A case study in Alabama and lessons learned for achieving sustainability. The Professional Geographer 72(3): 433-447.
- Pease, M., P.L. Chaney, and J.H. Hoover. 2019. A review of water resources education in Geography Departments in the United States. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education 168: 93-105.
- Chaney, P.L. and L. Doukopoulos. 2018. An active learning exercise for sustainability and the water footprint of food. The Geography Teacher 15(4): 173-184.
- Jescovitch, L.N., P.L. Chaney, and C.E. Boyd. 2016. A preliminary assessment of land-to-water surface area ratios (LWR) for sustainable land use in aquaculture. Papers in Applied Geography 2(2): 178-188.
- Chaney, P.L., C.E. Boyd, and E. Polioudakis. 2012. Number, size, and distribution of small impoundments in Alabama. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 67 (2): 111-121.
Last updated: 10/10/2024