Science Olympiad
COSAM Outreach

Welcome to the Auburn Science Olympiad Home Page!
What is Science Olympiad?
Science Olympiad is a team competition consisting of exciting and competitive tournaments showcasing innovative STEM content.
A typical competition consists of many multimodal exams covering various topics of science. For example:
- Disease Detectives: a multiple choice exam covering the scientific study of disease, injury, and health.
- Forestry: A short answer test identifying a tree based on its leaves.
- Can Racer: A building event where teams design and build a racing can to travel a set distance quickly
In Alabama we offer 3 competitive team divisions to 3rd-12th graders.
- Those divisions are: AA (3rd-6th grade), B (6th-9th grade), and C (9th-12th grade).
- Some events are exclusive to one division, while others are present in all three.
Interested in Starting a Team?
Click the link below for more information on starting a team.
Start a Team | Science Olympiad (
Please check back for future teacher professional development opportunities!
How to Register a Team
To register a team to compete in an Alabama regional tournament, please visit our state registration site,
Need more information?
To learn more information about Alabama tournament dates, events, and additional Science Olympiad resources please visit,
- Resources can also be found on the National Science Olympiad website
- Check out the Auburn University Science Olympiad Alumni Society for more Science Olympiad Study Resources